EPFCU gives you several investment options, including Individual Retirement Accounts, Market 50 and Market 60 Money Market Accounts and Coverdell Education Savings Accounts.
View our investment rates.
Individual Retirement Accounts
We offer Traditional Individual Retirement Accounts options that help you personalize your retirement plan and maximize your benefits. You can even roll over or invest funds from an existing IRA.
- Anyone younger than 70 ½ with compensation may deposit to an account.
- Receive competitive dividends on your investment.
- Withdraw funds penalty-free for qualified expenses or after the age of 59 ½.
- Enjoy tax-deductible contributions.*
- Transfer from another qualified account to EPFCU.
*For qualifying individuals. Consult your tax advisor regarding tax deductibility and the credit union for complete details.
Money Market 50
Investing is a balancing act between getting the interest rates you want and having access to your money when you need it. Get the best of both worlds with EPFCU’s Market 50 Account. A minimum balance of $5,000 will earn you a higher interest rate while still allowing you to withdraw the money on demand with no penalties. Should your balance fall below $5,000, we simply move the remainder back to your regular savings account.
Money Market 60
EPFCU’s Market 60 Account offers the same benefits as the Market 50 Account, but pays a premium interest rate for a minimum balance of $10,000.
Coverdell Education Savings Account
This savings account is an incentive to help parents and students save for education-related expenses.
- Make contributions up to the limit established by the Internal Revenue Service.
- Receive competitive dividends on your investment.
- Contributions are not deductible, but amounts deposited in the account grow tax free if distributed for allowable expenses.
the IRS site to learn more.